A woman is the last judgement of the man.
A ship and a woman are ever repairing.
A woman who laughs is a woman conquered.
To play a bag woman is brave for any woman.
My wife is a very strong woman.
For a married woman to flirt is a sin.
Woman absent is woman dead.
I'm fiercely independent, but I'm also terrified of being alone.
Time runs the fastest when it is independent of everything.
Time runs the fastest when it is independent of the universe.
I am wholeheartedly in favour of an independent Scotland.
The Mozilla Foundation is an independent, nonprofit organization.
I think independent filmmakers, documentary filmmakers - they are journalists.
I'd just as soon do a big-budget movie as an independent one.
I have a very independent spirit.
The police force cannot be completely independent of the executive government.
The Declaration of Independence is a sacred part of American history.
No drama, however great, is entirely independent of the stage on which it is given.
Taiwan is an independent sovereign country.
I had a happy childhood: extremely outdoorsy and independent.
I am truly independently owned and operated.