A thinking woman sleeps with monsters.
Give me an authentic woman, and I'm happy.
The strength of a woman far exceeds the brawn of a man. ~Lisa Antonio
I think a woman should be wholesome, voluptuous and sizzling!
Thumbs up to the buxom woman. Size zero is boring!
The Universe, is a woman - and she lives forever. 27.03.13
I torture my mother with all my problems, that poor woman.
There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither works.
Most of my friends are women - I quite fancied being a woman in a way.
Every woman should recruit a female friend to take up golf so there will be more women available to play.
It used to be only on TV that women could lead, that a show could be based on a woman.
I have never worked for a woman, and I have never worked with a lot of women.
(about William Blake) As for Blake's happiness--a man who knew him said: "If asked whether I ever knew among the intellectual, a happy man, Blake would be the only one who would immediately occur to me." And yet this creative power in Blake did not c...
And people tended not to bother a woman with a book.
That Woman is in love with her own grief.
With lead he shaded love into the woman's eyes.
I am a virtuous woman.
A woman reading is a grave temptation.
You don't have to be age 20 and size zero to be sexually viable or viable as a woman.
The Victorian era is the sexiest age for me, but I also like a woman in a pair of jeans.
A woman my age is not supposed to be attractive or sexually appealing. I just get kinda tired of that.