I think women are sick and tired of being portrayed as victims, a lot of the time anyway, the bulk of their time on film.
It seems like they make every comic book into a film. 'Watchmen' is my favorite of all time.
George Shapiro: Your material doesn't exactly transfer to film.
To think one film makes a career is ridiculous. It's important to keep perspective and do things other than for money.
France loves American cinema because when an American remake is successful, it makes us money to produce more French films.
In film producing, there is an inherent tension between the director, the money and the producer, and that's what keeps it flowing and honest and accountable.
The only film I ever made for money was something called 'Music From Another Room', which I really didn't like.
If you can't categorize a film for a studio, it's really difficult for them to wrap their heads around it and give you the money.
In the days of Gary Cooper, James Stewart etc, film stars personified the better aspects of human nature.
Games, by nature, have more plot options and non-linear qualities than TV and film.
We need to stop objectifying our women in what we call our second religion... Our films. And our TV shows.
Some of the greatest relationship films of all time, the two stars have hated each other, but mostly you see that chemistry.
I have tried to preserve in my relationship to the film the same closeness and intimacy that exists between a painter and his canvas.
I like films where there's a relationship between two women. I always think that's lovely to watch on the screen.
That's what I like about film-it can be bizarre, classic, normal, romantic. Cinema is to me the most versatile thing.
I've been really lucky in terms of film projects with people, terrific actors and also writers and directors that I really respect.
L.A. is so focused on TV and film that theater is kind of an arcane sport. People look at you like you're doing something cute.
You never get time at Working Title, sadly, to enjoy any film's success, because you're worrying about the next lot.
We're in a time now where technology is such that we can create anything, and that's what's new about television and film these days.
I'm a massive fan of the 'Bourne' franchise, and I think Damon's brilliant in it, and I love the films. I'm really into it.
I love watching Marty Scorsese's films, but they always make me feel terrible about being a man.