I always saw photography as a way to get to film.
My film is not a movie; it's not about Vietnam. It is Vietnam.
Film is one if three universal languages, the other two: mathematics and music.
I tell people if I want to make a film I just go make it so you can make yours.
Being a film actor is very different from a theatre actor.
Most films are written and made with a hero around 35, or even 25.
I kind of make a film for myself to sort of express myself.
But a year before that, I was starting to drink beer on the set of the film Lucas (1986).
I don't watch much TV or films, but I've watched Cameron Diaz.
I know that people in fashion and people in general hate to be filmed.
I did that film just so I could kiss Robert Redford.
Football is at least as 'gay' as rugby, Greco-Roman wrestling and the film '300.'
I still, by and large, make low-budget Australian films.
I'm so used to Australian films not getting a release outside Australia.
Every single film I've done, it's about the character.
I do think 'All Is by My Side' is the type of film I'm the most happiest.
Every film I do, I'm involved with from the very conception of the project.
I'm hard to pin down. I tend to look different in films.
The films that influenced me were so disparate that there's almost no pattern.
I actually enjoy wearing the corsets required in some period films.
When you do bigger films, the financiers take more risks.