Especially in technology, we need revolutionary change, not incremental change.
The great curse of modern political life is incrementalism.
Everything worthwhile in life requires incremental effort
From year to year, environmental changes are incremental and often barely register in our lives, but from evolutionary or geological perspectives, what is happening is explosive change.
Unwavering incremental change can create remarkable and monumental results.
Managers are trained to make incremental, programmatic improvements. They aren't trained to lead large-scale change.
Moreover, there is an unearned increment on capital and on labor, due to the presence, around the capitalist and the laborer, of a great, industrious, and prosperous society.
Break any problem into, or make any changes in, small increments.
If you want to be incrementally better: Be competitive. If you want to be exponentially better: Be cooperative.
I've committed to nothing...and that's just tiny, tiny increments.
Shooting action is very, very meticulous, it's increments, tiny little pieces.
I think that growth and spiritual awareness come in slow increments. Sometimes you don't know it's happening.
I wanted fame, but I thought it would be incremental, and I became afraid of the overnight-sensation thing.
Every rejection is incremental payment on your dues that in some way will be translated back into your work.
It was from them that I learned that hard work in stable surroundings could yield rewards, even if only in infinitesimally small increments.
You don’t have to submerge. Just take a D.I.P. in Daily Incremental Progress.
Real progress in understanding nature is rarely incremental. All important advances are sudden intuitions, new principles, new ways of seeing.
Furthermore, the unearned increment from land appears in the United States as a gain to the first comers, who have here laid the foundations of a new State.
One of the remarkable things about my career is that it has been marked by steady, incremental progress. No sudden spikes up, and no sudden downfalls, either.
ReThink Training: The best process of learning is on the job, just-in-time, "nibble-knowledge" to incrementally transform mindsets and skillsets irrevocably.
In the United States, we spend millions of dollars on sports because it promotes teamwork, discipline, and the experience of learning to make great progress in small increments. Learning to play music does all this and more.