It would be impossible to be a woman in Western culture and not have your own issues about your image and what you look like.
That's the terrible thing: the more one works on a picture, the more impossible it becomes to finish it.
Always be bold in everything you do, because boldness has genius, power and magic in it which makes impossibility possible
Wilderness is a resource which can shrink but not grow... creation of new wilderness in the full sense of the word is impossible.
I am not a perfect friend, and it is impossible not to rebuff or be rebuffed if you move about the world.
We do 32 episodes a season and will have shot 267 episodes by the end of the ninth season... It's impossible to sell that many episodes in the foreign market.
If my name had not been cleared, it would have been difficult, perhaps impossible, to continue as a journalist.
Real action without the passion is difficult, but the real passion without the compassion is impossible.
Surrounded by problems? Want to do the impossible? Make some hard decisions. All your worries, your problems will fade away...
Sam Cameron has managed the near impossible: to have lived in Number Ten for three years and maintained a benign and broadly positive press.
There is no such thing as colossal failure. There is only colossal courage to attempt the impossible again and again until it becomes possible.
I intend all my characters must escape from impossible situations; if they are not in trouble, then as a writer, I am.
It's impossible to make a picture without values. Values are the basis. If they are not, tell me what is the basis.
I use a wide selection of colours. It is impossible to produce work like mine using only the primary colours as they only mix a certain range of colour.
It's become impossible to enjoy most quality television shows because the hurt or endangered women device is so frequently used.
No one will deny that the excessive use of alcohol and alcoholic beverages would do more than any other single factor to make impossible a total war effort.
However hard he tried, he could never manage to make himself visible to human eyes and not because he can't, since for him nothing is impossible, it's simply that he wouldn't know what face to wear when introducing himself to the beings he supposedly...
Many a man has known that startling instant in which Dan Cupid, that busy young rascal, took things in hand, and told him that his baby girl was not a baby girl now, and was about to fly away from him. It is both a happy and a sad thrill that shoots ...
In his 1923 review of James Joyce Ulysses, T. S. Eliot focused on one of his generation's recurrent anxieties--the idea that art might be impossible in the twentieth century. The reasons that art seemed impossible are many and complex, but they were ...
The anti-psychiatrists held various, sometimes conflicting views but one particular line of reasoning is attributable to all of them—they all pitched their arguments against the power of the psychiatric establishment. They argued that the psychiatr...
It was impossible to sleep. Anxiety stopped me from falling asleep; depression woke me up.