Books may be irrelevant until it's relevance, importance and purpose is discovered through reading
Distinctive Footprints of Life: Where Are You Heading Towards?Reading was very important; the proper exercise and development of one's mind was a paramount duty.
The Enchanted AprilHow we feel about those we give our business to is of vital importance.
The Extremely Successful Salesman's ClubYes, you ARE important enough; and yes, your needs and wants DO matter.
Embrace Your Sexual Self: A Practical Guide for WomenFamilies are so important here," I said. She looked surprised. "They are not everywhere?
Falling Off the Map: Some Lonely Places of the WorldWe live in one world together. It's more important than ever to be friend to all.
GreenBean: True Blue FamilyWhen you listen to your spouse, you are communicating non verbally that they are important to you.
A Husband After God's Own HeartGod has given you two ears--that should tell you something about the importance of listening.
A Husband After God's Own Heart