It's important to give it all you have while you have the chance.
Humor is so important to the American scene throughout history.
Education has always been very important to me.
Weddings are important because they celebrate life and possibility.
The life you had is nothing. It is the life you have that is important.
It's important for us to latch onto the people that we love.
What's important for me is staying healthy.
I perform for soldiers because they are important.
Fairfax was incredibly important to the shaping of the country.
Records... a record just shouldn't be that important.
The publicity and hoopla was never important to me.
The truth is more important than the facts.
To put as little pressure on the relationship you're in is very important.
Science by itself is about numbers, and it's about measuring things. It's very important but it's very dry.
I really love and it is important to me to be physically fit.
Music has always been profoundly important to me.
My movies are important on an economic basis, on an artistic basis.
Ethics to me is very important.
Brand names aren't important to me at all.
It is not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance.
Anger is a consuming thing, a burning takeover. It sets up shop in your heart and head and murders anything else attempting to makes it way in. Life becomes obsessed with it, clouded with it, engrossed in it. You justify feeling with delusions that y...