But he asked himself now if he would not be disobeying God. And does not God permit love, since He surrounds it with such visible splendor?
Apa? WARIA? Iiih, Dennis! Sudah kubilang berapa kali, sih? Aku ini drag queen, darling, bukan waria! Drag queen itu perwujudan Madonna! Glamor, berani, berbahaya! Sementara waria itu ibarat Nicki Minaj berjakun.
You're a Scott," the Dark said, his lips peeled back in displeasure, as if just saying the word was revolting. "And you're Irish. I'm so glad we got that settled.
You aren't meant to be a prisoner. You're powerful and incredible." "You've no' seen me in dragon form." "I don't have to. I see the man before me now.
I would think for hours how strange it was that some parts of words are silent, just like some parts of our lives. Did the people who wrote the dictionaries decide to mirror language to our lives, or did it just happen that way?
You also have a part to play in this adventure, and that part was written for you before you long before you were born.' 'Are you saying I have no choice?' 'We all have choices. But our decisions are already known.
Thus like a Captive in an Isle confin'd, Man walks at large, a Pris'ner of the Mind
The thing is', (Rufus) Stone said, 'that if you don't believe that you are an old man, or a woman, or a tramp, then how can you expect anyone else to believe you? Looking the part is just the surface; being the part is the true disguise.
Kiril sat up and raked a hand through his hair. In the light of dawn, Shara was still on his mind. She was a Dark, a spy sent to monitor a spy.
Possibility, or what we refer to as imagination, is 99% imitation. The real deal is only 1%. The problem is, this 1% is simultaneously referred to as Evil.
Are you going to take me for a ride or kiss me?" He was going to do both, but the ride wasn't going to be in his car. Kiril released her. "Get in.
There is nothing like painless parting. No matter how enlightened the individuals involved in a relationship are, parting ways is always painful. There's always anger, bitterness and recrimination, but your honest efforts are always respected, in ret...
Family is in essence a small nation, and the nation a large family. In treating his own family with dignity, a ruler learns to govern his nation with dignity
The piece of junk is a piece of me. It’s a part of my family, and I can’t part with it. The rusty can is all my father left me when he left us to be in a relationship with a goat. Ah, but that’s life, no?
And yet it's there, we witnessed it being lit. And fires once lit have to burn until they spend themselves or someone extinguishes them,” Anaxantis said, with some deep regret coating his voice.
Ah, I see. You don't know much about us and the unknown equals the barbaric, the primitive. Although it is you lot who are ignorant.
With this idea, being a man with long experience of the sea (and they certainly have a great advantage over other men in any sort of task)...
Pulling back, like a savage carnivore at its prey, it tore a large chunk of meat rendering his left arm useless...regardless he did not require it for long.
It is not the logical part of thinking that changes emotions but the perceptual part. If we see something differently, our emotions may alter with the altered perception. (p64)
There was a part of me that was so horny, I wanted to climb on top of Randall on the first date. But there was also a part of me that was so terrified, I wanted to go home, put on my feety pajamas and hibernate for the winter.
Death is but crossing the world, as friends do the seas; they live in one another still.