Having friends was really important, wasn't it? Even if sometimes they did stuff which upset you?
Does Snogging Count as Exercise?Books may be irrelevant until it's relevance, importance and purpose is discovered through reading
Distinctive Footprints of Life: Where Are You Heading Towards?Reading was very important; the proper exercise and development of one's mind was a paramount duty.
The Enchanted AprilHow we feel about those we give our business to is of vital importance.
The Extremely Successful Salesman's ClubYes, you ARE important enough; and yes, your needs and wants DO matter.
Embrace Your Sexual Self: A Practical Guide for WomenFamilies are so important here," I said. She looked surprised. "They are not everywhere?
Falling Off the Map: Some Lonely Places of the WorldWe live in one world together. It's more important than ever to be friend to all.
GreenBean: True Blue Family