Nothing is important... so everything is important.
Family is always the most important part.
I hope I have important things to say.
Humor is a very important thing. It is a natural predilection. It is an emotional release.
The will to succeed is important, but what's more important is the will to prepare.
It's nice to be important, but it's important to always be nice.
Marc to Gabe: "What do you know about the lemon stuff? You weren't in desert combat. You were a park ranger. I'm not dissing that. It's an important job. Someone has to keep the chipmunks in line. I've watched Chip and Dale. I know how sneaky those l...
Take death for example. A great deal of our effort goes into avoiding it. We make extraordinary efforts to delay it, and often consider its intrusion a tragic event. Yet we’d find it hard to live without it. Death gives meaning to our lives. It giv...
'Life, Love & Hope' is... I'm thinking 'larger picture.' I'm not trying to preach to anyone. We all get lost and caught up in our everyday problems. Your cellphone doesn't work or you got a parking ticket, you had a bad day at work. You can lose sigh...
Here is a truism about the psychology of politicians: there is almost nothing so soul-definingly traumatic for them as losing an election. You believe yourself a great man, a figure of destiny. You love your job, or covet an even more important one -...
Emma: It must be nice to have a job with so much downtime. Randal Graves: Downtime's important. If I had to deal with all the fucking mouthbreathers non-stop without a break, I'd put my head in the deep-fryer. [Dante and Emma stare at him, waiting fo...
Mary: I wanted to understand as much as I could about the procedure as possible... I think it's important for my job to understand the inner workings of the work that we do, well not that I do, but the work that is done by people where I also work, t...
I’m reminded of how passionate Kuan Yin is about the importance of being human on this earth,” continues Lena. “It’s the most important thing in your existence,” states Kuan Yin. “Your existence is eternal. This phase (of your soul) is so...
Patty Brooks: Herb, there's no disgrace in losing to this team. Herb Brooks: Yeah, I know. Patty Brooks: The important thing is, you got this far. Herb Brooks: The important thing? [pause] Herb Brooks: The important thing is that those twenty boys kn...
Small matters breed important ones.
Where there are no tigers, a wildcat is very self-important.
In love the other is important; in lust you are important
Beauty, of course, is the most important requirement and the paramount asset of the applicant.
The most important influence in my childhood was my father.
Acting was important, but it was not as important as getting an education, and I credit my parents with a lot of that.
The importance of the House is... far more important than my future.