It's really important to stand up for yourself and not always agree with what people say if indeed you don't feel that that's true.
The September 11th tragedy forced us all to look at the world in a different way, and it reminds us all of the importance of living every moment.
People attach too much importance to intangibles like heart, desire and clutch hitting.
In some extremely important ways, people are what you expect them to be, or at least they behave as you expect them to behave.
Never share your most important secret with a person in deep love, for the partner will get to hear of it." -Oppong Amankwaa
I have made many serious statements - I just can't remember any of them. I guess they mustn't have been very important.
It's so important to encourage the use of suncream, tan in a bottle and the disuse of sunbeds which are known world-wide as causes of skin cancer.
To me, it's like we're already in the playoffs. Every game is important for our position. We can't relax at all.
The important thing is to remember what most impressed you and to put it on canvas as fast as possible.
In any grass-roots campaign, building an ongoing base of support is as important as winning the ultimate goal.
The foundation of collectivism is simple: There should be no important economic differences among people. No one should be too rich.
Developing skills is as important as training. A larger effort is needed to create a skilled workforce with employment potential.
I think the Tea Party has brought important issues to the table.
Similarly, the problem of the rights of the state in the disposition of inheritances left by individuals presents social aspects of the first importance.
If my books can help children become readers, then I feel I have accomplished something important.
Facebook, Twitter and Google have all opened offices in Brazil, recognizing the importance of localizing their products and customer service efforts.
I think fidelity is absolutely important, especially in the acting industry, which is littered with broken relationships because people are away filming for months.
The environment issue is hydra-headed and complicated, but it is of immense importance that we understand how fast the world is changing.
I did the first study because I had been exposed to something that I took to be important and interesting - this thought reform process - in the military.
I think this is true for all artists. My senses are very important to me.
Being one step ahead of a fashion trend is not so important to me. What matters is to always forge ahead.