Anytime I switch to another instrument, I immediately turn it into another kind of drum so that I can understand it better.
Behavior isn't something someone "has." Rather, it emerges from the interaction of a person's biology, past experiences, and immediate context.
Journalists immediately think of me as a resource for a quote or comment because they know that I will be available to offer fresh insight and meet their deadlines.
If someone tells you he is going to make a 'realistic decision', you immediately understand that he has resolved to do something bad.
If any of our songs ever did make it on the top ten, I'd disband the group immediately.
I have a perverse attraction to risk. Not physical risk but emotional, financial risk - anything than can't kill you immediately.
The problem with this generation is they are so quick to define who they are in the process of searching. It is their need for immediate acceptance that keeps them from exploring further.
The Yankees' Facebook page was hacked. The hacker was immediately purchased and signed to a 5 year contract with the Yankees.
Ego is the immediate dictate of human consciousness.
Be able to sneeze without sounding ridiculous. That means neither stifling yourself or spraying your immediate vicinity.
I think a lot of fans immediately go, 'ugggh' when they hear that someone is doing a prequel or a remake, they sort of assume the worst sometimes.
Never allow doubt to roam unimpeded within you. When it arises acknowledge it immediately, and then exterminate it with extreme prejudice.
Those who appreciate the ways of simple tribes, where every activity is direct and immediately understandable, are able to live among them.
Sometimes when an actor says something almost perfect, but you know you have to edit it, if you tell them to change something immediately, it will come out great.
'Pure experience' is the name I gave to the immediate flux of life which furnishes the material to our later reflection with its conceptual categories.
If they will let me go, I would leave Israel immediately. I would like to see the world, to exercise my freedom.
If you come from a normal family, you immediately start playing the role of a boy, a girl a man or a woman, but I'm sure you'll agree with me that those are only roles, limited roles, at that.
We all have our own purpose in life and I feel very strongly that I have a bigger purpose than giving to just my immediate family and friends.
I don't feel at home in New Orleans. I don't feel at home in Austin or L.A. And I just felt immediately at home in northern Australia.
Every audition, I walk out the door and throw the sides away immediately. You did it, now go home. And to me, that's kind of a baptism. If they call you, they call you. And if they don't, it's fine.
In looking for humor, keep in mind this guideline: Sometimes it takes a little time to see the humor in your upsets; you may not find something to laugh about immediately.