In The Republic, Plato imagines human beings chained for the duration of their lives in an underground cave, knowing nothing but darkness. Their gaze is confined to the cave wall, upon which shadows of the world are thrown. They believe these flicker...
Time is the truth inside an illusion.
The illusion is the universe is only physical.
The illusion of beauty - the rule of comparisons.
Limits, like fear, is often an illusion.
We have an illusion of security, we don't have security.
The world is real. Consciousness is the illusion.
Security is an illusion, but it is a pleasant one.
Wind is renewable. Turbines are not.
Time is not an illusion. It's tricky and elusive.
You are the illusion, be anything you want to be!
Pleasure can be supported by an illusion, but happiness rests upon truth.
The world is real; philosophy is the illusion.
A woman should be an illusion.
We all need illusions. That's why we love movies.
Men should never marry their muse. It ruins the illusion.
I'm happy to feed the illusion that I'm a lazy recluse.
Ultimately, it's an illusion that you can understand yourself.
Earth is a place of limited illusions...
There is the illusion of the world and the reality of the Torah.
Life and death are illusions. We are in a constant state of transformation.