I have a call to speak, to write, to do sort of deep-heart surgery in people's lives.
If I were to write Web now, it would be a much, much darker book.
I had no idea how complicated and solitary it could be to write a simple book.
In time I began to understand that it's when you start writing that you really find out what you don't know and need to know.
Everybody has a cartoon of themselves. Mine is: I write very fast, and I'm ruthlessly efficient with my time.
I have stories that I'd like to maybe one day consider directing, but you need a lot of time to write and put it together.
I need a stimulating environment to write because my books are driven at 100 miles per hour at a time.
I think a lot of it is that we used to tour so much that we never really had time to write songs.
When asked, 'How do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time.'
I'm such a history-nerd that, with time for research, I could probably enjoy writing in just about any time period.
Gil: What is it with this city? I need to write a letter to the Chamber of Commerce.
When you are writing a song for something else, if you are doing something for money, I always think that's bad luck.
What I like about writing is the sense of godlike power it gives you.
I think what will happen is that fiction will become more like poetry. As in, the only people who read it will write it.
I'm no romantic, surfing, California boy. I like reading, writing, philosophizing. Scheming. I've been doing some exploration of the inner space.
Sean Penn, for his acting as well as his writing and directing. There are so many actors I respect, but his reach is so wide.
I never really saw myself as writing science fiction anyway.
When I write, it is always the melody that comes first, and it just happens to be the case that the most beautiful tunes are sad, and the lyrics follow the mood of the melody.
I try to write about how we live today, how we use language, technology, our bodies.
I just can't seem to write songs about peace and love. Yeah right, how do you get that?
There's a higher place that I have no illusions about reaching. There's a sophistication and aesthetic about composers who only write only for the music's sake.