But I can also write in crappy motel rooms, while standing in line, or sitting in the dentist's chair.
I cannot listen to Beethoven or Mahler or Chopin or Bach when I write because those composers require you stop what you are doing and listen.
There are some different things I'm writing and developing, but I don't know where they'll go. They're fun stuff that I would be in and are written in my voice, for me.
I write by myself initially. That's the way I've always written, just working on pure thought by myself. Then I bring it to the table with whoever I'm collaborating with.
I don't think I've ever dared to write down what I see in the ruins of me, or tell in any detail the scars and all their secrets.
With writing, I can express myself, really, and share my ideas and just let my thoughts flow out.
I sometimes think I cannot write another passage about a disappointing meal ever again, because I've done it so many times.
I think it's an area that one writes from that is curious because it is not a clearly defined partisan one.
I'm fully aware that some of the stuff I write is going to offend people or p*ss them off. They should be fully aware that I don't really care.
I think the only positive thing that came from Uruguay's dictatorship was the spread of Montevideo natives around the world, and I continued writing about them from my various places of exile.
'Back to Blood' really took it out of me. While I was writing it, I just never went out anywhere, except to the gym.
I do try to separate my personal activism - showing up at a demonstration or something - from what I write.
My reason for being an author? Because I love to write - it fulfills me. But the fact that I entertain others by doing it is a lovely bonus.
When you find yourself writing, reading, or listening the delivery of words when spoken? You know the melody of wordplay. “& I love Wordplay
And as I venture into anothers pit of everlasting darkness, I'll return with a simple blackened rose. and with that rose I shall write the stories it tells.
Whenever I write about immigration, I hear heart-wrenching stories of computer workers who are unemployed and facing severe hardship.
When I start writing a novel, I have no sense of direction, no idea, really nothing.
It wasn't until I was 37 that I grasped the great truth that you've got to write your own books and nobody else's, and then everything followed from there.
I have no interest in non-fiction. I don't read it and don't watch it and don't write it, other than a little journalistic column.
I used to have a real passion for writing, but not so much anymore - probably because I do too much of it.
The way I write is that I'll actually have a conversation out loud with myself. In a weird way, I just kind of get schizophrenic and play two characters.