I've been writing full-time since I was 23.
I'm writing, and just doing the same thing I always do.
I do not want to have the feeling of writing 'for eternity', so to speak.
I like writing for individuals with really rich musical personalities.
People shout out for songs and I don't even remember writing them.
I keep writing because it is deeply pleasurable to me.
I'm just going to write because I cannot help it.
I like to write paper mail - nobody does that anymore - with my pen pals.
I would write poems and think up melodies to them later.
I surround myself with bizarre people. They're more fun to write about.
Ira Gershwin, shame on him. I mean, some of the writing.
I was a hired drummer for 3 Doors; there wasn't an opportunity for me to write.
I would normally never set out to write a trilogy.
I need to keep traveling, being a gypsy, having experiences and writing about them.
I lived the stuff that Jackie Collins writes about.
I'm a Macintosh nut. I got my PowerBook, so if I'm not writing jokes, I'm working on that.
Readers are paramount. I live to write books for them.
I really absolutely loved writing my first book.
I don't call acting a real job, and writing is a hobby.
Someday I would have lovers and write a poem after
I try to write as serious as possible, and then a joke slips in.