Each time, I think I'm never going to write another book. It never gets easier.
Like so many writers I started writing stories because I didn't have much time for anything else.
I have more free time than a lot of individuals, so, instead of talking, I sometimes write.
If my characters travel somewhere, I generally write about a place I know to give the scenes more authenticity.
I was influenced by surrealist poetry and painting as were thousands of other people, and it seems to me to have become a part of the way I write, but it's not.
I want to write a play. I'd like to do an original musical. I should probably put together a poetry collection.
Well - I started writing - probably in the early 60s and by say '65-'66 I had read most of the poetry that had been published - certainly in the 20 years prior to that.
Having reached a point in which I was so bitter and exhausted from being a quote unquote public figure, I wanted to return to a more childlike relationship to writing.
I've never had an exclusive relationship to a room where I write. I used to want one.
I began reading science fiction before I was 12 and started writing science fiction around the same time.
My overnight success was really 15 years in the making. I'd been writing songs since I was 6 and playing in bands and performing since I was 14.
I could never be a country person, sitting around trees trying to write a song. I would rather be in the middle of society, whether it's growing or crumbling.
I love writing, but I have that E. E. Cummings idea that as long as you stay inside the rules of your own world, it doesn't matter what it is.
I like to write about love and love lost because I feel like there are so many different subcategories of emotions that you can possibly delve into.
I think it's a bit of a myth that if you can read music you can write music. It doesn't work like that.
I'm very hands on with my music - I do all the artwork and everything myself - and the songs I write aren't necessarily the most commercial.
I don't want to write any more for the old Man-power instruments and am handicapped by the lack of adequate electrical instruments for which I now conceive my music.
I started to work up in my old bedroom, playing, writing songs, and it somehow came to me that I could introduce soul music. Nobody seemed to be doing that.
I started writing music when I was around twelve. My current record company saw a video of me performing at my school's talent show.
Because music is a language unto itself, when I'm writing, I need silence. I need to hear the music and the rhythms of the words inside my thoughts.
I write music all the time. When I talk about having writer's block, it's more to do with lyrics than anything else.