Cu siguranta, nu-l ura. Nu, ura trecuse cu mult timp in urma si cam tot de atunci se nascuse senzatia de rusine pentru ca avusese fata de el un sentiment care s-ar fi putut numi astfel. Respetul fata de el, generat de credinta ca avea calitati de pre...
Ron: [as Harry lays unconcious] Looks a bit peaky, doesn't he? Fred Weasley: Peaky? What'd you expect him to look like? He fell fifty feet. George Weasley: Yeah, c'mon, Ron. We'll walk you off the Astronomy Tower and see how you come out looking. Har...
Bill: He'll accept you as his student. The Bride: Caught him in a good mood, aye? Bill: More like a sadistic one. Just seeing those steps again makes me ache. You're gonna have plenty of fun carrying buckets of water up and down that fucker. The Brid...
Nancy: MOTHER! What's with the bars? Marge: Security. Nancy: Security? SECURITY FROM WHAT? Marge: Not from what: From whom. Come down to the cellar. You wanna know who Fred Krueger was? He was a filthy child murderer, who killed at least 20 kids in t...
Captain Hadley: So this big shot lawyer calls me long distance from Texas. I say "Yeah?" He says, "Sorry to inform you, but your brother just died." Guard Mert: Oh damn, Byron, I'm sorry to hear that. Captain Hadley: I'm not, he was an asshole. Ran o...
Cartman: [to Kyle] Don't call me fat, you fucking Jew! Mr. Garrison: Eric, did you just say the F-word? Cartman: Jew? Kyle: No, he's talking about "fuck". You can't say "fuck" in school, you fucking fat ass! Mr. Garrison: Kyle! Cartman: Why the fuck ...
Combo: [to Sandhu, after robbing him] Picking on a kid, mate? Fucking hell. Picking on a fucking kid, was ya? Eh? Mr. Sandhu: Just take what you want and go, OK? Combo: SHUT UP! I'M talking! I'M your fucking size! Fuck with me! Mr. Sandhu: You got wh...
Ensign Monk: Bud, give me a reading from your liquid oxygen gauge. Virgil: [typing] 5 minuts worth Lindsey Brigman: [whispers, shocked] What? Alan "Hippy" Carnes: [panicked] It took him *thirty* minutes just to get down there! Lindsey Brigman: Bud! D...
Ensign Monk: Bud, give me a reading from your liquid oxygen gauge. Virgil: [typing] 5 minuts worth Lindsey Brigman: [shocked] What? Alan "Hippy" Carnes: It took him *thirty* minutes just to get down there! Lindsey Brigman: Bud! Do you hear me? You dr...
Acel gest simbolic de a o întrona pe Déesse Raison la Notre-Dame pare să fi însemnat pentru lumea apuseană ceva asemănător cu tăierea Stejarilor lui Wotan de către misionarii creştini, căci nici atunci, nici acum, fulgerul răzbunător nu ...
Tutto cambiò in un pomeriggio di primavera, in una giornata come tante, in una Nuova Delhi brulicante di anime. Kajal e Kiran avevano deciso di allontanarsi per qualche ora da quelle strade trafficate, dagli odori forti, dal frastuono del mondo. Vol...
Finiscila, Jane! Dai troppo peso all'amore degli esseri umani. Sei troppo impulsiva, troppo irruenta. La mano divina che ha creato il tuo corpo, e poi vi ha soffiato dentro la vita, ti ha dotato di risorse che vanno ben oltre la tua fragilità dei tu...
You see, we were able to give you something, something which even now no one will ever take from you, and we were able to do that principally by sheltering you. Hailsham would not have been Hailsham if we hadn’t. Very well, sometimes that meant we ...
... supraoamenilor nu trebuie să li se explice nimic, ei n-au nevoie de permisiunea noastră, smulg vieții ceea ce au chef să ia. Se revoltă, ucid, violează fiindcă se numesc Attila sau Don Juan. Cât despre ceilalți, oamenii medii, cei slabi,...
Lo sguardo delle donne assomiglia a certi congegni tranquilli in apparenza ma formidabili. Vi si passa vicino tutti i giorni pacificamente e impunemente, senza dubitare di nulla. Viene il momento in cui ci si dimentica anche che quella cosa è là. S...
Impari lentamente, mio amato, ma impari. E ciò che si impara lentamente scende più nel profondo. Voi uomini e i vostri Dei! Vi beffate della Madre per la sua lentezza da lumaca, perché crea ciecamente al buio. Tuttavia quando create senza di Lei, ...