I don't know that my schooling was conducive to wild ideas and creativity, but it gave me discipline, drive. They taught me how to think. I really know how to think.
People can't really place me. They're not really sure who I am. Sometimes they think I'm Helen Hunt. Sometimes they think I'm Laura Dern.
I think I've written 40 books, and none of them have been heavy on action. I'm an introspective person.
I think that Canadians have an incredible reverence for authority and regard for authority, and I think one of the healthy ways that it's challenged is through questioning it, through the polite hostility of comedy.
I think the executives have matured enough so that they recognize that we have a two-party system. In California, we have more than a two-party system.
I think that a president needs to have a variety of views presented. But also, there has to be a team effort, because otherwise, I think it creates a dissonance and difficulty.
I don't want to get hung up on what 'people,' that nebulous mass, think about me. That's the way to unhappiness, I think.
Certainly 'Survivors,' when we put that series out, the second series dipped below 5 million for one of the episodes - all of a sudden, there's no recommission, and I think that's dreadful.
(When asked what he thought of Western civilization): 'I think it would be a good idea.
I think the very word stalking implies that you're not supposed to like it. Otherwise, it would be called 'fluffy harmless observation time'.
I think there will always be a double standard between males and females, so I think that an actress is more likely to protect her public persona, so to speak, than an actor would be.
I think melancholy is part of the natural condition, you know. Anyway, I think it's the artist's function to have their melancholy and not hide it, you see.
I'm really drawn to West Coast composers and I think it has a little something to do with looking across the Pacific instead of looking across the Atlantic.
I think there's nothing worse than inertia. You can be inert and study your navel, and gradually fall off the chair. I think the key is to keep flying.
I think definitely people know me from playing creeps and weirdos, and I'm definitely looking to expand my range.
I think if you hold your nerve and don't sell out and become something that you're not, you can go anywhere. You know, I think that sort of heart and honesty and size travels.
I'd always thought that 'NYPD Blue' really would open those doors. While I think it created a much broader template for cable, I don't think it really did that much for network television.
I try not to think about any of the production side of things. If you do, you tend to get unfocused and distracted. I just try to think about the character and the scene and what I'm doing.
I think people need hope when times are tough. I think they also need escape and adventure and fantasy. Books are like cheap mini vacations.
First of all, I think the situation today is different. We're in a different place than we were in '93, '94.
I think there's a poet who wrote once a tragedy by Shakespeare, a symphony by Beethoven and a thunderstorm are based on the same elements. I think that's a beautiful line.