You know, before I would think, my cab driver hates me. Now I think my limo driver hates me.
Ray RomanoI think you can have a Left that isn't culturally conservative talking about lunch-bucket issues.
Richard RortyI think someone, somewhere, at some time once said, 'Nuance is a bitch!' ". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]
R. Alan WoodsI think the ordinary is a very under-exploited aspect of our lives because it is so familiar.
Martin ParrCommercials that are geared towards kids. I think they should just, like, wipe them out.
Mark RuffaloEverybody is excited to play so I think who plays with whom is a minor thing at this point.
Mats SundinI think the neoatheists have set atheism back a few decades. And I'm a self-described atheist.
Matt Stone