I could see flames from the windows of my chambers. For the next three or four days we had major rioting here in Washington and I stayed at the court day and night.
I live in a loft in a building I designed, but for my dream house I'd get Frank Gehry, just to see what he'd do.
I personally have gone to photo shoots and see the pictures afterwards, and I don't look like me because I'm just so airbrushed and so, kind of, fake and almost plastic-looking, you know?
I just think, you know, when we talk about a politician, I think a person has to be themselves. Let the voters see the real you.
I like my friends to be the hitters. The pitchers, they all have the same brain as I do. The hitters see the game from a different perspective.
I look into his sorrowless eyes and a door in my heart blows open. And when we kiss, i see that on the other side of that door is sky.
Airport security is a particular bugbear. At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man, while I can see that averting terrorism is manifestly important, the measures taken seem, simultaneously, absurd.
They've been talking about Pi, which I haven't seen, they've been comparing it to Usual Suspects, Sixth Sense, and Fight Club, and I didn't see that either.
I keep trying to write a bad boy and they always come out nice. I don't see the appeal of someone who is going to demean me in some way.
Wearing this kind of costume is not something I fantasize about. It's not natural, it's not comfortable. I don't see myself as this. But it gives you dramatic license to do almost anything when you're dressed as a bug.
It may be escapist, but if I have a choice between watching the news or reading a book which gets me to see the world through different eyes, I will always choose the latter!
When I went back and watched a couple of the older 'Doctor Who' episodes, I could see why some people felt the show had been quite sexist.
The first horror film I remember seeing in the theatre was Halloween and from the first scene when the kid puts on the mask and it is his POV, I was hooked.
We're talking about being relevant again. I want the Sixers to be on people's tongues again... I want the Sixers to be the basketball team that people want to see.
When I first played the guitar without plugging it into an amplifier, the people at Fender were blown away. They couldn't believe the sound. I said, 'See, gentlemen, the world is no longer flat.'
Anybody who's ever had the privilege of seeing me play knows that I am the greatest pitcher in the world.
When I started finishing games and coming off the field shaking hands, it was a beautiful thing. I mean, you start seeing that you're an important part of the team.
It was a double jolt for me. The jolt of seeing my father slowly die, the jolt of knowing that I was diabetic and could meet the same fate if I didn't take care of myself.
From my own internal fanboy perspective, there's nothing that I hate more than seeing a three minute trailer for a movie where I feel like it's shown me the entire movie.
I learnt to drive at around eleven years old. In an old jeep on a field in Colorado. There were lots of ditches. I could barely see over the steering wheel.
When I was shooting 'The Bourne Identity,' I had a mantra: 'How come you never see James Bond pay a phone bill?' It sounds trite, but it became the foundation of that franchise.