Always remember that the lessons you learn in life are never meant just for you. They are like all our gifts, they are meant to be used and shared, never horded and hidden.
Why, it would be such fun,' he chuckled, 'to just forget all about the hours when the sun didn't shine, and remember only the nice, pleasant ones.
He remembered the old Chinese proverb, sometimes ascribed to Confucius: If you sit by the river for long enough, the body of your enemy will float by.
None of us deserve God's forgiveness. The Bible says to forgive because God forgave us. It doesn't say anything about deserving it or even asking for it.
You're going to need this," she said, and pulled out a condom. "At some point, we're also going to need a defibrillator and a fire extinguisher." "Promises, promises.
You prove to people that you don’t pay attention to their words when they see that you don’t remember what they tell you earlier.
Remember iron sharpens iron. People inspire people, therefore, always ensure that you read books that can easily guide you to discover strategies of making a good name.
Remember as there are people that can help you to roll the boat of your dreams, there are also people who can drill holes under that boat to make it sink.
Some days are like this. And the only way to get through them is to remember that they are only one day, and that every day ends.
It was inevitable, of course, but somehow it didn't seem right to Alex that they would never remember the sound of Carly's laughter, or know how deeply she'd once loved them.
And try to remember what we discussed, Susannah. A mediator is someone who helps others resolve conflicts. Not someone who, er, kicks them in the face.
Hard to remember these days that there was a time you had to wait for the ink and paper reviews to see your work excoriated. With the invention of the internet, any subliterate cretin can be Michiko Kakutani.
He knew he would always remember her, standing there with that expectant, forward-looking smile, enough to turn the future into summer.
Remember, today's challenges are tomorrow's testimonies.
My caregiver mantra is to remember 'The only control you have is over the changes you choose to make.
The one thing to remember about an adventure is that if it turns out the way you expect it to, it has not been an adventure at all.
Paris c'est comme une histoire d'amour, on se souvient seulement des beaux jours. (Paris is like a love story, you only remember the sunny days.)
Let go with me. Let me comfort you with my body...there's no shame in forgetting for a night even if you know you'll remember in the morning.
In my experience when a friend unloaded about a boyfriend or spouse, the listener soaked up the complaint and remembered it long after the speaker had forgiven the offense.
If we go on in this way, we shall have a new art of poetry, of which one of the first rules will be: To remember to forget that there are any such things as sunshine and music in the world.
Maybe our marriage is bound to be a fight, but it will have its compensations. Fights that end in bed have their own singular excitement, remember.