As many will remember, a respected Army Corps economist filed a whistleblower complaint about the Corps' use of faulty data to justify lock and dam expansion.
When you feel neglected, think of the female salmon, who lays 3,000,000 eggs but no one remembers her on Mother's Day
Life is a test. A test of Character and Strength, experience is our study guide... so remember what you learn and more importantly-apply it.
Open up and wake up with blazing beauty just remember no one is perfect and you are the most beautiful creature on this planet.
Be purposeful in your actions. Be mindful to keep your behavior in alignment with your goals. Remember, you can refine, improve, and enhance yourself; all other control is illusory.
Remember: It’s all in your head… all of it. If you don’t like the story, change it. If the people around don’t accept your new story; change them.
It is easy to wish ill on others whom we feel deserve it, but remember that when you point a finger at another, three more are pointed back at you.
Unfortunately, there seems to be far more opportunity out there than ability.... We should remember that good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation.
A fire burns with crackles at first, then loses its intensity; the same goes for love. But remember, that even the dying out fire can keep a room alight.
Lastly, he must remember that he himself hath no exemption from the common lot, but that he is bound by the same laws of mortality, and liable to the same ailments and afflictions with his fellows.
That was the thing to remember about all monsters, They love to frighten people, but the minute you stare them down, they turn tail and run.
There’s one thing you can start doing right now that will change how you communicate with any young human: Remember what it’s like to be one.
Remember, the early '60s in London was something - which must have been like Berlin in the '30s when the arts flourished. You didn't have the differences in class, and so on.
Wouldn't you like to have an augmented memory chip that you could plug into your head so you don't have to look everything up and remember everything?
Always see the good in everyone...learn to see through God's eyes no matter what...remember, the tables may turn tomorrow. You just never know!
I've learned it does not do well to dwell on the past. You cannot change it. you can revisit it, you can remember it, but it simply will not change!
Remember: Let's look for ways to take *care* of each other rather than look for ways to take *advantage* of each other.
We perceive, we remember our experiences, we make judgments, we act - and in all of these endeavors, we are influenced by factors that we aren't aware of.
When we get impatient because something is taking too long, we should remember that Life waits on us a thousand times more than we wait on Life.
Birth is the scariest event of most peoples' lives. You have to feel safe enough in your own mind before you can remember your own birth.
expect bad days and tears. but it's not how you wake up, it's how you go to sleep. always remember that