You don't quit because you happen to be behind. You want to see how you do. And who knows? Maybe somebody will stumble.
Most people who succeed in the face of seemingly impossible conditions are people who simply don't know how to quit.
Sometimes I'll get to the end of a song, open my eyes and there's all these faces peering at me. It's quite horrifying.
A voracious gambler does not gamble until he wins, but until he loses everything, and a smart one knows when to quit.
We are seeing lots of young people with melanoma. It's actually scared me quite a bit.
Quite possibly the only infinite power in the universe may be the human capacity for self-deception.
Somehow our devils are never quite what we expect when we meet them face to face.
The rise of the West is, quite simply, the pre-eminent historical phenomenon of the second half of the second millennium after Christ.
Stand-up comedy is all you. It's your show, it's your game. You control every aspect of it - of that experience and that expression. There's really nothing quite as satisfying.
Yes, I've been trepanned. That's quite an interesting experience, especially for my brain surgeon, who saw my thoughts flying around in my brain.
Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes.
Fact: From quitting smoking to skiing, we succeed to the degree we try, fail, and learn. Studies show that people who worry about mistakes shut down, but those who are relaxed about doing badly soon learn to do well. Success is built on failure.
We were the only black family in an estate with 1,000 white families. Liverpool being quite racist in the Sixties, it was a bit grim growing up.
The Government has to stop borrowing as much money; if we don't, quite frankly New Zealand will be downgraded and interest rates will go up for all New Zealanders.
Haitian rice farmers are quite efficient, but they can't compete with U.S. agribusiness that relies on a huge government subsidy, thanks to Ronald Reagan's free market enthusiasms.
There are moments when you're stepping out of a really nice car on to a red carpet, and you feel inside like, 'This is quite nice,' but I'm never whisked off my feet.
I'm just naturally quite toned. My dad was like a body builder, so I've got my dad's body. Not all of it, thank God.
Fairy tales read before bed tend to make me dream. They're all quite violent stories, as are my dreams.
Discontent with this world gives such a painful longing to quit it that, if the heart finds comfort, it is solely from the thought that God wishes it to remain here in banishment.
The great thing about 'Weeds' is that everything we do is never quite serious enough to be taken seriously. It always has humor behind it, and it think it makes it definitely more fun for the audience.
What's so great about playing a female lead, especially in law enforcement, is that these women do exist, and they're really quite interesting. They're fascinating.