Police radio voice unit F-7: [voice] F-7 to Central. The Crumps are locked in a hardware store basement. Should I let them out? Over. Capt. T.G. Culpeper: How the hell could they get themselves locked in a basement? We gotta let them out. Police serg...
Eyeball: [about Ray Brower] Shit! When they gonna give up? The kid's gone. They ain't never gonna find him. Charlie Hogan: Not where they're looking. Billy Tessio: Hey, Eyeball's right, Charlie. They ain't never gonna find him. Eyeball: ["tatooing" E...
Becky: [on the roof about to teach Dante how to dance] Hey, Twelve-Step! [Jay looks around confused] Becky: Jay! Jay: [looks up] Lord? Becky: Up here, jackass. Jay: [moves so he can see her] What the fuck are you doing up there? Yo, if you're gonna j...
Judah Rosenthal: And after the awful deed is done, he finds that he's plagued by deep-rooted guilt. Little sparks of his religious background which he'd rejected are suddenly stirred up. He hears his father's voice. He imagines that God is watching h...
Nicky Santoro: You call yourself a man? You know you're a lying, lowlife motherfucking gambling degenerate prick. You know that's what you are? Two small kids at home? I gave you money to pay the fucking rent, buy groceries, put the heat on? You know...
La La: We should get them when they do to lunch at that Chinese place. Big Evil: That Chinese place is crawling with cops. We gotta get these fuckers when they're alone. La La: We can fucking follow their asses home and hit them there. Big Evil: Mira...
Otto: [to Ken about Mrs Coady] What does he want you to do? Send her flowers? Do her shopping? Show her a good time? Rub her out? Rub her out? Otto: [gleefully] HE'S GOING TO KILL HER! HA HA HA! Ken: Shut up! Otto: [shows his gun to a group of onlook...
Capt. Jack Doyle: You ever investigated an abduction before? Patrick Kenzie: I think Mrs. McCready was hoping we could help with the neighborhood aspect of this investigation, the people, you know. Capt. Jack Doyle: How old are you? Patrick Kenzie: I...
[after Chief Gillespie convinced Virgil Tibbs to stay in town and finish the investigation, they both go to a mechanic's place to get Tibbs a car] Chief Gillespie: Jess. [Jess, a black mechanic, appears from under the car he is working on] Chief Gill...
Sing: All right. Now, we will sneak attack and take out that old lady. [throws knife, knife richchets off overhang and gets Sing in his right shoulder] Sing: Erg... Well, I'll let you try one. [stands beside sidekick] Sing's Sidekick: [takes knife, a...
Pvt. Little Joe: Kelly's even got us armor support. Big Joe: [facing Kelly] What armor? Crapgame: [interrupting] Three Shermans from the 321st. Big Joe: [still facing Kelly] Who's in command? Crapgame: It's a top line outfit, I personally recommend t...
Nick the Greek: Dunno Tom. Seems expensive. Tom: Seems? Well, this seems to be a waste of my time. That is 900 nicker in any shop you're lucky enough to find one in. And you're complaining about 200? What school of finance did you study? "It's a deal...
Sarah: Help! Stop it! Help! Helping Hand: What do you mean "help"? We *are* helping. Different Helping Hand: We're Helping Hands. Sarah: You're hurting! Helping Hand: Would you like us to let go? Heh-heh... [They loosen their grip, Sarah starts to sl...
Gandalf: He's suffered a defeat, yes, but... behind the walls of Mordor, our enemy is regrouping. Gimli: Let him stay there. *Let him rot!* Why should we care? Gandalf: Because ten-thousand Orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom. I've sent him t...
Peachy Carnehan: What's he saying, Billy? Billy Fish: Danny's bleeding. They know! He says not god, not devil, but man! Peachy Carnehan: [approaches Danny] They've twigged it, Danny. You've had it! The jig's up! Daniel Dravot: [grabs arrow and raises...
John Mason: [Mason and Goodspeed are defusing a poison gas rocket] What exactly does this stuff do? Stanley Goodspeed: If the rocket renders it aerosol, it could take out the entire city of people. John Mason: Really? And what happens if you drop one...
Alex Denovitz: What about Tony? [Cut back and forth between Doug's office and a younger Tony in Charlie's brothel] Alex Denovitz: You know, Bullet Tooth Tony. Avi: Who's Bullet Tooth...? Charlie: Tony! Bullet Tooth Tony: You silly fuck. Doug the Head...
Warden Samuel Norton: [after Andy escapes] Well? Red: Well what? Warden Samuel Norton: I see you two all the time, you're thick as thieves, you are. He musta said *something*. Red: Honest, Warden, not a word. Warden Samuel Norton: [frustrated] Lord, ...
Howard: Aah, gold's a devilish sort of thing, anyway. You start out, you tell yourself you'll be satisfied with 25,000 handsome smackers worth of it. So help me, Lord, and cross my heart. Fine resolution. After months of sweatin' yourself dizzy, and ...
Little Glasses Girl: [camera follows many BFC trucks delivering packages to front doors all over London] I'll get it. BFC courier: [at Finch's door] Eric Finch? Finch: Yeah. Finch: [opens box: One of V's Guy Fawkes masks is inside, along with a spare...
Bromhead: [mounted, crossing stream] Hot work? Lieutenant John Chard: [kneeling in stream] Damned hot work. Bromhead: Still, the river cooled you off a bit though, eh? [pause] Bromhead: Who are you? Lieutenant John Chard: John Chard, Royal Engineers....