You have to be enthusiastic enough to do what is required for achieving your dreams and goals.
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.
You have to believe in your dreams because sometimes they believe in you.
What dreams would he have, not seeing. Life a dream for him. Where is the justice being born that way?
Whenever you have good dreams never let it go , because dreams are tiny seeds which germinate result into fruitful tomorrow .
The fundamental virtue of success is that it allows you to know the true significance of what it means to have the freedom to make your dreams come true.
What you had yesterday is only memories; what you will have tomorrow is your dreams and what you will do today, let it be love.
Lucid dreaming lets you make use of the dream state that comes to you every night to have a stimulating reality.
We may place blame, give reasons, and even have excuses; but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams.
Every little job becomes a dream, and you don't recall it anymore, and maybe you might have a deja vu moment, but it's like something you dreamed earlier.
If you have nothing to leave behind you, you can at least leave your dreams; someone else may use them!
If science can eliminate sleep, we will have more time to live and no time for the dreams. But living is superior to the dream because it is real!
No-one will come in to rescue you. You just have to step out somehow, and make your dreams come true.
France and America have a long history of mutual loathing and longing. Americans still dream of Paris; Parisians still dream of the America they find in the movies of David Lynch.
One day it just hit me. This is it. You are not in love. So either stay in it because you have a child or be brave and find the man of your dreams and marry him for real.
I'll tell you this: You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don't, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that's nowhere land.
A fulfilling life is different to each person. You have to acknowledge your dreams, and not just wait for life to happen, and opportunities to come knocking at your door.
Follow your dreams. If you have a goal, and you want to achieve it, then work hard and do everything you can to get there, and one day it will come true.
It's a really scary thing, having your dreams come true and seeing everything you ever wanted happening, getting the attention for it and then not knowing how to handle it properly.
People are so obsessed with making their careers and having a big house; then you realize that kills your dreams. It even kills what makes your life because you get so busy inside.
We need to be aware of what we are capable of first and realize that if you place your dreams really really high, you do have the potential to get to that level.