I always dreamed of living in N.Y.C.
The American dream is dead for the majority of America.
Imagine the possibilities of your dreams.
Your dreams are unlimited possibilities.
Dreamers dream the dream, Artists live it.
Anything that ends is a dream. This whole universe is a dream.
Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your expectations.
To wear dreams on one's feet is to begin to give a reality to one's dreams.
There comes a point when a dream becomes reality and reality becomes a dream.
I've lived the American dream.
Dream a magnificent dream; now live it.
We grow from our dreams.
Life is not a dream to be dreamed but a story to be written.
We all look back at some time or other and wonder why we didn't listen to our instincts. Why did we hestiate? Why did we lose our dreams?
You can’t believe in your dreams if you don’t believe in the giver of the dreams. In all things, put God first. He is willing to put you ahead for excellence!
Never let the words of discouragement from others sway you away from reaching far with your dreams.
What if all the dreaming gets in the way of actually doing things? What if there isn't time for dreaming?" "There's always time for dreaming," Jackson said. "If it makes you happy, then there's time.
Be the player in your own dream life. Don't be a spectator watching your dreams every day; Let them get going!
Our dreams are full of magic that fuel our faith...so don't stop dreaming and don't ever stop feeding them.
Dreams are what keep us growing. they are what keep us alive...io give up is to let our dreams die..........
Accept the fact that you are the pivot along which the loads of your efforts will turn. Acknowledge yourself as the chairperson at the center of affairs management for your dreams. Take the chair and be at the fore-front.