Independent films, for the most part, to me, are not so independent. They often feel like people auditioning for a big commercial career. They often do not have independent spirit to them.
Sometimes giving up feels like the easiest thing to do. But then the easiest thing has never produced more than a garden full of weeds.
A moment of torture feels like an eternity, while an eternity of joy passes in a moment. Perhaps time is naught but an illusion.
A woman always has her man, but the man unconsciously leans on his roots, his heritage. He feels like an orphan without his parents.
A lot of what inspired many musicians is celebrating differences, and people relate to that - more people feel like the unpopular, freaky one than the one in the in-crowd.
When we have 'second thoughts' about something, our first thoughts don't seem like thoughts at all - just feelings.
Genius feels like an over extended Helium balloon about to burst, and everyone criticizes you for not having a conventional way of coping with it.
I'm happy to be reminded that an ordinary day full of nothing but nothingness can make you feel like you've won the lottery.
What I've learned is that the audience is constantly rotating. Just because it feels like I've said it, there are millions and millions of people that have still never heard of it.
People always talk about the nausea that comes with chemotherapy. For me, it's more like a queasiness. And it can be intense. It's an uncomfortable, gross kind of 'blech' feeling.
With comedy especially, it feels like such a clear-cut thing to be a writer-director. There is so much nuance and tone in a comedy that it's hard to contextualise it in a script.
One of the hardest things about directing is just to be patient and remind yourself that you've been in Week 1 of a rehearsal process yourself, and you know what it feels like.
It's really hard as a screenwriter, you feel like you have a vision and then you turn it over to a director and you have to let it go.
Prejudice is like a hair across your cheek. You can't see it, you can't find it with your fingers, but you keep brushing at it because the feel of it is irritating.
when you feel like hope is gone, look inside you and be strong and you'll finally see the truth- that hero lies in you.
There is something about seeing rhinos and lions running free that excites you. It's not that you feel afraid; it's more like you're liberated by seeing them.
Find a strong glue and stick yourself to honesty! You shall feel like a wind, so light and so free!
It is unfortunate that when you want to make some people feel like human beings, they begin to take you as an animal.
There are so many things that we wish we had done yesterday, so few that we feel like doing today.
You don't feel like you have to interact with a whole bunch of people when you get on Flipboard. It's not a source of social anxiety.
It's a very sweet and often problematic situation where people feel like they know me and they're concerned for me. It creates these strange little intimate moments.