When I saw 'The Player', I came out with knots in my stomach because it was so true to my experience.
I came to politics later in life so I bring a different life experience to it.
I came into the world two months too soon, I was in such a hurry.
When Garcia died, and I decided not to play, I came out here.
Originally, I came from Texas, and we lived on - I guess you'd call it welfare, what we called relief.
I always felt that a governor surrenders a certain amount of privacy. And I came to accept that.
I think my whole life, because of where I came from, I had a fear of failure.
In my particular instance, I came from a family that didn't have anything. Everything I earned in life I made. Myself. With songs that I wrote.
The stance I took was there is no room for racial bias anywhere in sports. I believe that was basically all I said about it. Certainly I was cast as an abolitionist. Death threats came. Hate mail came.
I came from a divorced mother and father, obviously mixed race.
I came out of the womb waving red lipstick.
I came out of independent film, that's my roots.
When I came back to power, Georgia was completely isolated on the international stage.
I came to this city to escape.
I came from a home where everybody had a book.
Dad said that he was prouder of me than he'd ever been when I came out.
I came face to face with death at thirteen years old.
It's an exaggeration to say that I came up with M-theory.
I came to Washington with a pledge to be a fiscally conservative.
The town I came from really had one industry, and that was furniture.
I came from Mechanicsville, Virginia, where you have four seasons.