Circumstances made me the theatrical personality I am, which many people believe is also a part of my personal life.
'Cause when I had my child, people tried to make me feel like life was over for me, and I started to believe that.
I actually believe in simplicity as a way of life. My wife and I are considering moving into a yurt!
If I want to believe that life is lonely and that nobody loves me, then that is what I will find in my world.
I'm a lot older than I was when I was 30, which is kind of hard to believe.
I am not one who - who flamboyantly believes in throwing a lot of words around.
I was born in the USA, which many people still find hard to believe.
I, for one, believe that revenue has to increase. I think every American would pay more if they thought spending was going to be cut and the budget brought to balance.
I used to believe that anything was better than nothing. Now I know that sometimes nothing is better.
I do believe that we're in a true golden era of television, and I think it started with 'Hill Street.'
I don't really believe in lucky things, but I wear lucky underwear as a joke.
I think we still believe that ambition is for boys.
I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn't photograph them.
I'm not too worried about that. I am a big believer in modeling.
I get a lot that people have a hard time believing that I'm a nerd... but I grew up with a Nintendo controller in my hand.
Christina Delassalle: Don't you believe in Hell? Nicole Horner: Not since I was seven. Christina Delassalle: I do.
I don't believe that you have to dress in a masculine way to seem powerful. I think that the way a woman dresses doesn't have to be so aggressive. Being feminine is a powerful feature in itself. Power is in a person's demeanor.
I really believe that whoever is doing something with a strong passion is very much important to me. I love people like that.
I still don't believe that all pieces of music are the same price. I just don't think that's America.
I never believed marriage was a lasting institution. I thought that to be married for five years was to be married forever.
I'm such a fan girl when it comes to movies, TV and sci-fi, sometimes I can't believe I actually get to be in them.