I am here and I'm alive. That's enough.
Words of the hero: "I am my fate.
This world, I am afraid, is designed for crashing bores.
If you think that I am weak, then you are wrong.
Every day is a reminder to accept myself as I am.
I am a humble but very earnest seeker after truth.
I am convinced that the norm in Russia should become a family with three children.
I am very concerned about junk food in the schools.
I am not aspiring to be a senior bureaucrat. It would limit my freedom.
I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world.
I am 100% in the camp that says forgiveness is mostly about the forgiver.
The Getty family has been fully supportive throughout this situation, and for that, I am very grateful.
I am all for using business - public and private - to expand healthcare coverage.
I am going to enjoy some other things apart from business.
I am working on a dress sock line of funky, colorful, cool designs.
I am committed to making Georgia a model for open and honest government.
To say that I am organized is an understatement, but my car tells a different story.
Well, I am a lot like my dad, and the character of Ted is based on my dad.
I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.
If fame is to come only after death, I am in no hurry for it.
I am a dreamer. Seriously, I'm living on another planet.