By letting go of the past with love and gratitude, I am creating beautiful memories, which are living in me, but I am living at present not in memories.
The thing is, I am a loving person. I am super sappy when it comes to romance. But I'm not the Antonio Banderas, swashbuckling, Pierce Brosnan, smooth-talking type.
I am the world's worst reporter. I am apt to try too hard to help rather than just document my subjects.
They say curiosity killed the cat but I am unconcerned. I am smarter, though slightly less evil, than any cat.
There is nothing about which I am more anxious than my country, and for its sake I am willing to die ten deaths, if that be possible.
I am neither a child, a young man, nor an ancient; nor am I of any caste.
I am free to confess that I am disappointed with the Yosemite valley. It seems only about one-half as grand as the American Fork canyon.
My ears are too beeg for my head. My head ees too beeg for my body. I am not a Siamese cat ... I AM A CHIHUAHUA!"
We ardently desire to take down our masks and say to the world, “This is who I am…and I am okay.” This is simple…not easy.
You are my cry, you're my tears, you're my joy, you're my heart and love, only I don't know who am I.
Do you know whether or not you are in God's grace? Joan: If I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me.
I am lover of words... I am wickedly drunk with the magic of words... the poetic nature whispers through and to my very heart and soul.
Though I am still very vulnerable to audiences - and it happens all the time - where for some reason the energy doesn't connect and, since the film is very personal, obviously I am made to feel very vulnerable by that.
So I am one of those bass players who can do something and musically, it was back then and now it is even more, if you noticed on the new album, I am not playing all the time anymore.
Lou Bloom: Who am I? I'm a hard worker. I set high goals and I've been told that I'm persistent.
Borg Queen: I am the beginning. The end. The one who is many. I am the Borg.
In your hands or that of any other person, so much power would, no doubt, be dangerous. I am the only man in the world whom it would be safe to trust with it. Remember, I am a prophet!
I am a woman, and I am a Latina. Those are the things that make my writing distinctive. Those are the things that give my writing power.
In the pre-production process, I am emailing with the actors or jumping on the phone, and we're sort of figuring out who the characters are and trying to build the relationship dynamic and things like that. Then, also, I am outlining.
I am not telling men to step away from speaking for women's rights; rather, I am focusing on women to be independent to fight for themselves.
Jaguar Paw: I am Jaguar Paw! This is my forest! My sons and their sons will hunt here after I am gone!