I'd be happy to live till 80 as long as I was comfortable and in good health. Mind you, ask me again on the eve of my 80th birthday. Even so, I hope we don't all start living to be 120. I'm not sure I'd cope with another 60 years.
I knew I would be running with so many people watching all over the world because of him. People love Bolt. He has many fans out there because of his great achievements and breaking world records in Olympics. I've done the same and it's a great honou...
There's this really good line in 'Women in Love' where Ursula says, 'I always thought it was a sin to be unhappy.' And actually I think that's very common, it's what a lot of people feel - that you have an obligation to life to be happy if you can.
Well, I think some people are very happy in retirement. And in a year and a half I'm going to see how happy I feel in retirement. I'm just going to not work quite so hard, but I'll continue to write as long as God gives me breath.
When I die, don't come, I wouldn't want a leaf to turn away from the sun -- it loves it there. There's nothing so spiritual about being happy but you can't miss a day of it, because it doesn't last.
I can't hurt any more than I've been hurt, I can't cry any more than I've cried. I've been to the highest of highs and lowest of lows, so one day I'm going to find my middle ground and be happy.
When all the kids answered "fireman", "dentist", "mother", "want to marry a rich guy" and "astronaut", mine was "rockstar" when we grow up. Half of that was met. I knew I wouldn't be happy with any other occupation that was not in the entertainment b...
Before I go to sleep tonight; I will speak a nice prayer, I will let my worries leave my mind as silence fills the air. If I have a bed; to curl between the sheets, I am an inch more blessed; than the man, on the street. If I have a love to cuddle; i...
Happy the man, and happy he alone, he who can call today his own; he who, secure within, can say, tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today.
You figured that the only way I'd be happy is if I did the things you thought would be best for me.
I, Kotoko Aihara... Now Kotoko Irie... have finally become Irie-kun's wife. And though this may seem like a happy ending, it is actually more of a happy beginning.
I shall take the heart. For brains do not make one happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world.
I yearn to make these scars disappear And to forget about the past. To throw away all of my fears And to be happy at last.
I always would be happy to make a character even more unlikable, but you know, there's a limit and if you go there, you get into a very different kind of movie, man.
I would say happy new year but it's not happy; it's exactly the same as last year except colder.
If you Love Happy Life, Save EARTH from getting more dirty & abused. I will be GREEN again … Tree's inner voice
What if I told you 10 years from now your life would be exactly the same? Doubt you'd be happy. So, why are you afraid of change?
I look at fitness as a necessity in the same way as how you drink water, eat food, one should look at fitness in a dedicated way. People will look fresh and happy. If you are happy, you in a way look fit.
I say to the young, be happy that you were born in Italy because of the beauty of the human capital, both masculine and feminine, of this country... No other country has such human capital.
I think if we want to find happiness by finding a life partner, then it's a little selfish. You should be complete within yourself, so that when you're in a relationship, you can give out happiness rather than expect it.
I have a great wife and it's very easy to be romantic because it makes her happy and then my life is so much better when she's happy.