Onze boosaardige aartsvijand had de concentratieboog van een peuter die hyper was van de suiker.
As a child, I was hyper, I was a clown and I was sensitive. Today I'm all of the above, except I've refrained from bouncing off the walls.
I've always had this hyper kinetic energy, so I don't really need much sleep at night.
In this century of hyper-postmodern ideals, with the digital future, we're segmented into different people, places, and things in a constant state of change.
I suppose the common idea of me is that I'm going to be someone who's hyper and cracking jokes all the time, but people who meet me are soon disabused of that notion.
'Eternal inflation,' as it's called - the endless generation of new universes - may be a hyper-cosmic imperative. It seems that it must happen.
I'm not an extroverted person, nor am I hyper-confident in my point of view. I just don't have that personality.
You are travelling in hyper-speed on a big ball into nothingness. Yet you are still wondering where you are going in life?
When elected officials and others contribute to a climate and culture that fosters hyper-partisanship, we've got to blow the whistle.
When I was little, I wasn't allowed to put sugar on my breakfast cereal because it made me so hyper.
I was a pretty disruptive student in class in school. I had a hard time paying attention. I had what they call A.D.D. now, back then I was just a hyper kid.
In today's roller-coaster economy, hyper-competitive, fear-based, flat and global world, convincing anyone to do anything at any time requires getting their attention, creating their intention and turning it to action.
I took a lot of long summer road trips with my dad, and the mix of music we listened to on the road skipped around from classical to Western to new age to hyper-cinematic.
I hate alarms. If they go off I get really tetchy. I hate them. They just get me going, I'm hyper at the best of times, but they drive me mad.
'The Daily Beast' competes in the highly Darwinian media world filled with hyper-smart, highly adaptive, tool-using people with opposable thumbs.
I always play these rodent type characters - skittish and hyper like a chipmunk. It's a complete act though. I'm a very normal person.
To thrive in this new age of hyper-change and growing uncertainty, it is now an imperative to learn a new competency — how to accurately anticipate the future.
In our hyper-secular world, worship is still inevitable. But it is vital to remember that our gods don't choose us, we choose them.
I kinda have the opposite of ADD. I have a hyper-focused disorder, where if there's a given task in front of me I really concentrate on that.
Horace Slughorn: [shocked] Harry! Harry Potter: [imitating Slughorn and hyper from the Felix potion] Sir!
I was a hyper kid, so I didn't want to play baseball and wait for the ball to come to me. I wanted to play a sport where I could go get the ball.