Differences between husband and wife should not be aired in the marketplace.
The wife carries the husband on her face; the husband carries the wife on his clothes.
A wife is frightened of her first husband and a husband is frightened of his second wife.
When husband and wife live in harmony, they can dry up the ocean without a bucket.
After you play husband and wife on camera multiple times, it becomes easy to be husband and wife off camera as well.
The husband and wife are one, and that one is the husband.
The husband's mother is the wife's devil.
A good husband makes a good wife.
If the wife sins, the husband is not innocent.
I know one husband and wife who, whatever the official reasons given to the court for the break up of their marriage, were really divorced because the husband believed that nobody ought to read while he was talking and the wife that nobody ought to t...
It is the wife who knows her husband.
Whenever a husband and wife begin to discuss their marriage they are giving evidence at a coroner's inquest.
If a wife is unfaithful then the husband is partly to blame.
The wife cries before the wedding, the husband after.
When the husband earns well, the wife spends well.
When the husband is a hen and the wife is a cock, the house is topsy-turvy
Complain about the house where the husband is the wife.
Happy the marriage where the husband is the head and the wife the heart.
In a good family the husband is deaf and the wife blind.
A husband and wife honor God when they love and honor each other.
The relationship between husband and wife should be one of closest friends.