[Hunt enters Lauda's garage and sees the extent of the burn injuries to his head] Niki Lauda: It's that bad, huh? James Hunt: [Shrugs] No. Niki Lauda: In hospital, I asked them straight, no bullshit, how bad my appearance would be. They said in time,...
If I had but the time and you had but the brain
By and large, the gospel of grace is neither proclaimed, understood, nor lived.
Certainly the research shows that grateful people are more innovative thinkers.
If you don't hunt it down and kill it, it will hunt you down and kill you.
I bow hunt and rifle hunt. It just all depends on where I'm at.
Captain Ramius: Let them sing.
If you are hunting for a red deer then ignore the hares.
Who hunts two hares will catch neither.
You cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.
We're on a hunt, Cooper. When you're on a hunt, you do whatever it takes.
Humans hunt and kill maneaters. What if animals hunted animal eaters?!
The act is unjustifiable that either begs for a blessing, or, having succeeded gives no thanksgiving.
For what I have received may the Lord make me truly thankful. And more truly for what I have not received.
When you have a high-volume magazine or an assault weapon, you're not hunting deer or protecting your home; you're out to hunt people.
I am thankful I can see much to admire in all religions.
He who has no falcon must hunt with an owl.
He who hunts two rats, catches none.
I’m a complicated man, with complicated taste buds.
My brother got a .22 for his 12th birthday; I got a .22. He got a hunting knife; I got a hunting knife.
I am most thankful to Almighty Providence for mercies received, and determined still to press the case into public notice as a token of gratitude.