Unfortunately, the American policy towards Pakistan is just to worry and express concern, and that is not a clear policy at all.
Like a cowboy saddling a bucking stallion, Republican leaders tried to tame the Tea Party while riding it to victories.
A concrete agenda and landslide victory might not even guarantee a president his mandate in a capital as polarized as Washington.
Historians will likely give Obama credit for steering the country away from the brink of economic collapse in 2009.
The problem, gentlemen, is that Obama is right: The promise of upward mobility is dying in America, and no amount of political demagoguery will fix it.
'Ocean's Kingdom' is a fairy story with no subtext, no resonance - it's not about anything except its water-logged plot.
Some readers took 'Heaven's My Destination' as a satire on Christianity and the Midwest, but today it reads like a loving comedy.
Ballet Hispanico is far from Irish, and, though it has strong dancers, its Spanishness has always left me unconvinced.
Shakespeare has always been up for grabs, and choreographers have every right to use him any way they choose.
When you can't follow a ballet's action, you can always read the program notes.
In the early 19th century, they tried selling soap as healthy. No one bought it. They tried selling it as sexy, and everyone bought it.
My heroes are always ready, willing, and able to execute moves necessary to get themselves out of deep trouble.
When I'm called unkind... that really cuts to the quick. You can say anything else that you like about me.
Without my Johnson trademark mop of yellow hair, I think I would be nothing.
Message to Obama: Fighting the Clinton machine won't be as easy as picking up favorable press clips.
Political activists in Hong Kong and Taiwan use Facebook as their primary tool to mobilize support for their causes and activities.
It takes a strong stomach and a thick skin to be a female activist fighting online censorship in Pakistan.
Nobody is forcing anybody who is uncomfortable with the terms of service to use Facebook. Executives point out that Internet users have choices on the Web.
What role did the Internet play in the Egyptian Revolution? People will be arguing about the answer to that question for decades if not centuries.
Digital activism did not spring immaculately out of Twitter and Facebook. It's been going on ever since blogs existed.
Citizens' rights cannot be protected if their digital activities are governed and policed by opaque and publicly unaccountable corporate mechanisms.