I am an unmarried man, as opposed to a single man. A bachelor, according to the dictionary, is a man who has never been married. An unmarried man is not married at the moment. Many of these terms have fallen into disuse.
Sting's my ideal man, because he's a real man.
Every man dies. Not every man really lives.
It is harder for a poor man to be successful than it is for a rich man.
Man flieht nicht, weil man Angst hat, sondern man hat Angst, weil man flieht.
The nail supports the hoof, the hoof the horse, the horse the man, the man the world.
The wise man will be cheated only once.
The poor looks for food and the rich man for appetite.
What does the blind man know of the beauty of the tulip?
For every wise man there is one still wiser.
A learned man has always wealth in himself.
After all, every man is the son of a woman.
What the poor man says is not listened to.
A rich man is either a scoundrel or the heir of a scoundrel.
Every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost.
The rich man doesn't pay, the debtor does.
The rich man who is stingy is the worst pauper.
The thought burrowed into her heart as darkness fell. It coiled in her guts as she wedged herself amongst the boughs of a tree to sleep. And in the morning, it woke with her and clung to her back, riding on her shoulders as she climbed down, hungry a...
They departed in the form of white smoke, rose easily upward, waved their hands in parting, and viewed with pity all those who remained behind. Then they danced gaily in celebration of their new freedom, before disintegrating into the air.
I want you to take a sleeve of Thin Mints and line them up on the edge of the kitchen counter and when I'm hungry I can just bend over and sweep a cookie into my mouth like I'm scoring a goal in hockey.
I didn’t set out to discover Truth. I was simply hungry and digging deep in the back of the fridge and boom! there it was. And I’ve got to tell you, the Truth was tasty.