Hunger is felt by slave and king alike.
She's Prim's size in diameter.
Because...because...she came here with me.
Effie Trinket: The library, all mahogany...
Hunger of the heart is much stronger than hunger for food.
Let the Hunger Games Begin!
Idleness is hunger's mother; of theft it is full brother.
Hunger will lead a fox out of the forest.
Only.. I want to do die as myself
Yes, frosting. The final defense of the dying.
Does everyone look younger asleep?
...that human hunger birthed the Civ'lize, but human hunger killed it too.
I am not a big 'Hunger Games' fan.
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.
In the land of promise a man may die of hunger.
A good meal ought to begin with hunger.
Hunger is the best cook, but he has nothing to eat.
Hunger drives good taste away.
Plenty sits still, hunger is a wanderer.
The cold strengthens you more than hunger.
Here's some advice. Stay alive.