Tears have the value of gold on the scales of the human heart' and the weights do not ask whether it is found or stolen gold, or whether you had to sweat in the digging.
Science attempts to find logic and simplicity in nature. Mathematics attempts to establish order and simplicity in human thought.
That lesson suggests that in the end, we can only find peace in our human lives by accepting the will of the universe.
All human happiness or misery takes the form of action; the end for which we live is a certain kind of action.
Was it animal pee or human pee? Someone asked. How would I know? What, am I an expert in the study of pee?
After a traumatic experience, the human system of self-preservation seems to go onto permanent alert, as if the danger might return at any moment.
Literature wasn’t intended to be about perfect people, it was about flaws, very real and very deep human flaws.
The evolution of human mentality has put us all in vitro now, behind the glass wall of our own ingenuity.
Pa extended his paw as if to say, “I’m here, and I’m human.” What else could I do but say, “Meow.
A crime scene is a silent witness that speaks louder and clearer than any human. Just ask Helen Keller.
The cause isn’t worth getting up for, but it is worth sleeping for. Just trying to do my part to help humanity.
What silence rules the ghostly hours That guard the close of human sleep! (“The Testimony of the Suns”)
The friend is a human Eden But Eden is so easily lost When you choose, choose wisely Before you share, count the cost
True human goodness, in all its purity and freedom, can come to the fore only when its recipient has no power.
The importance of awakening to our evolutionary origins is paramount because irrational ideas about “who we are” fuel our sense of separateness
Let me make this radiantly clear—if you believe in spirits and the metaphysical world, your biology will create the illusion that these things are real.
The funny thing about the word “delusion” is that it means just that—delusion. When you have it, you don't know it, and that can be a problem.
Nothing in this world, is completely new. That's why we study history and compare today, with the past. In the end, every human being, has the same way of thinking.
But they're family, and you forgive them, even if they are human equivalent of hyenas. Because that's what you do, Posey. Forgive.
If humanity is annihilated because we were too busy squabbling with one another to manage a proper stand, we probably deserve the annihilation.
Nationalism is form of collective narcissism, where the citizens possess an inflated self-love of "their own people," to the exclusion of other human beings.