After every voyage, we bring with us renewed mind, refreshed soul and new viewpoints on life.
Pearls of Wisdom: Great mindWhat are the secret of success? -one word answer :"rational
Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. MungerAs we travel to new places we gain new perspectives and renew our thinking.
Pearls of Wisdom: Great mindI was taught how to walk but I did not master the cheating steps of others.
The Wisdom Huntress: Anthology of Thoughts and NarrationsWho gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it?
The Wit and Wisdom of Mark TwainWhat beauty could be your life’s mountain peak which you could climb all the way up?
Wisdom Collection: The Book of WisdomOnce we are a creation, how much absurdity can there be in our heart without God the Creator.
Wisdom Collection: The Book of Wisdom