It is the recognition of history as a record of human experience which has inevitably resulted in the inclusion of this conquest of civilization within the framework of a complete human history.
Human experience depends on everything that can influence states of the human brain, ranging from changes in our genome to changes in the global economy.
The ultimate end of all revolutionary social change is to establish the sanctity of human life, the dignity of man, the right of every human being to liberty and well-being.
Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings.
Our human compassion binds us the one to the other - not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.
Today, more than ever before, life must be characterized by a sense of Universal responsibility, not only nation to nation and human to human, but also human to other forms of life.
The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty, and all forms of human life.
All we really want in life is to connect to other human beings, and when you desperately want to connect physically to one specific human being and you can't? That's something I find compelling.
Socialised humanity represses nature and degrades human nature; it takes life and waters it down - probably to control it - diluting existence with water that is lukewarm, sweet and murky.
Evry human being want changes, but most human beings lack actions, and no change comes without action.
Human beings are social animals; we devote a significant portion of our brain just to dealing with interactions with other humans.
Human rights is the soul of our foreign policy, because human rights is the very soul of our sense of nationhood.
Having a human conversation is not something I've had any training in either as a comedian or as, you know, a human being.
Even though human spirit always enjoys the peace, the human ego drives joy from war.
Humans have certain properties and characteristics which are intrinsic to them, just as every other organism does. That's human nature.
Wars will remain while human nature remains. I believe in my soul in cooperation, in arbitration; but the soldier's occupation we cannot say is gone until human nature is gone.
Linguistics is very much a science. It's a human science, one of the human sciences. And it's one of the more interesting human sciences.
You should know as much as you can about the human species if you have a hand in designing human society.
Nature says women are human beings, men have made religions to deny it. Nature says women are human beings, men cry out no!
Human kind is on one big power trip that is ripping the sole out of the subtleness and kindness of the human spirit
Fundamental violations of human rights always lead to people feeling less and less human.