Values are deeply held personal beliefs that form your own priority code for living.
Values are the individual biases that allow you to decide which actions are true for you alone.
Performancism is the mindset that equates our identity and value directly with our performance and accomplishments.
And sometimes you realize the value of the rain by knowing how unreliable and vanishing the rainbow is.
What sets the best suppliers apart is not the quality of their products, but the value of their insight.
To realize the value of one minute, ask the person who has missed the train, bus or plane.
Calculated risks of abuse are taken in order to preserve higher values.
If we have wealth, it will be protected from inflation and possibly even enhanced in value.
Perhaps it is of more value to infuriate philosophers than to go along with them.
Let every Latter-day Saint give value received for everything he gets, whether it be in work, or whatever he does.
Mother's Day celebrates a huge lie about the value of women: that mothers are superior beings, that they have done more with their lives and chosen a more difficult path.
Books about women and children are not valued in the same way as a book about war. And why is that? I don't know.
Human history has no unique pattern of intelligibility.
... scar tissue was the strongest tissue in the human body.
It takes two to have a fight.
Kant thought things, not because they were true, but because he was Kant.
Is it painful?" the groundskeeper asked. "I am asking for science.
That the other suffers has to be learned; and it can never be learned fully.
Diversity, not uniformity, is what works.
Empathy is what separates human beings from teenage boys.
Protect art. It is the antidote to the innate barbarism of the human race.