It is not the soul that speaks its mind, but the mind that speaks its soul, that will be heard.
Andrew SabitovYour Soul helps you fulfill all you wish to achieve & shares - all you are destined to know.
The Soulful Pathway To Christmas: Soulfully Inspiring You in the Days Leading Up to Christmas and Beyond!May you be spurred into action, not just by what you read - but all your Soul is willing to share.
The Soulful Pathway To Christmas: Soulfully Inspiring You in the Days Leading Up to Christmas and Beyond!In the company of the Soul's inner guidance, let us celebrate all we are destined to know.
The Soulful Pathway To Christmas: Soulfully Inspiring You in the Days Leading Up to Christmas and Beyond!The Soul's knowledge is lovingly gifted, just as you are presented with gifts - from those you love.
The Soulful Pathway To Christmas: Soulfully Inspiring You in the Days Leading Up to Christmas and Beyond!As Christmas draws near, let the words resonate — not just within your heart & mind, but Soul.
The Soulful Pathway To Christmas: Soulfully Inspiring You in the Days Leading Up to Christmas and Beyond!Let each Soulful insight, encourage you to - joyfully partake of Christmas in your own way.
The Soulful Pathway To Christmas: Soulfully Inspiring You in the Days Leading Up to Christmas and Beyond!