Anger is the immune system of the soul.
I'm always soul searching on a spiritual level.
A grateful heart is a medicine to the soul.
The face is the soul of the body.
This is a soul under perpetual migraine attack.
Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul.
We should read to give our souls a chance to luxuriate.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no death the way we understood it. The body dies, but not the soul.
Big dreams create the magic that stir men's souls to greatness.
I have too great a soul to die like a criminal.
Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God and the permissible delights of the soul.
The authentic self is the soul made visible.
There is no person that love cannot heal; there is no soul that love cannot save.
The soul has no gender.
An old building is like a show. You smell the soul of a building. And the building tells you how to redo it.
Palestine is the anvil of our souls.
Gandalf saves the world and saves the soul of the world, really.
I've always been an old soul.
Skepticism is the sadism of embittered souls.
I prize the soul that slumbers in a quiet eye.
Words are truly the image of the soul.