The dog is almost human in its demand for living interest, yet fatally less than human in its inability to foresee.
Every combination of two or more human beings has both a useful aspect and a political aspect.
If you know where you stand, and your minus and plus points as a director or as a human being, you will never go wrong. You will always be successful.
Those activities which are not based numbers, Which are based on humans(Customers and Employees) is known as business. Numbers will ultimately increase if humans are happy who are involved.
Those activities which are not concerned with numbers, but which are concerned with humans(Customers and Employees) is known as business. Numbers will ultimately increase if humans are happy who are involved in.
If my work has a theme, I suspect it is a simple one: that most human beings are inescapably alone, and therein lies their tragedy.
For aeons past, there were many gods who descended to be humans, yet there were not many humans who ascended back to their divinity.
I don't know, 53 years with the same human being? I can't be around myself for more than three or four hours before I want to kill everybody.
So as a prelude whites must be made to realise that they are only human, not superior. Same with Blacks. They must be made to realise that they are also human, not inferior.
Language imparts identity, meaning, and perspective to our human condition. Writers are either polluters or part of the cleanup.
People negotiate their way around how a human mind works and find blind points. That's how people steal effectively.
The average attention span of the modern human being is about half as long as whatever you're trying to tell them.
Nature does not create works of art. It is we, and the faculty of interpretation peculiar to the human mind, that see art.
Every human being is entitled to courtesy and consideration. Constructive criticism is not only to be expected but sought.
The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy, we can all sense a mysterious connection to each other.
If we would learn what the human race really is at bottom, we need only observe it in election times.
When I was about eight, I decided that the most wonderful thing, next to a human being, was a book.
Any conversation which does not include the context of the journey of the heart is by definition untrue to who we are as human beings.
'Culture' is a finite segment of the meaningless infinity of the world process, a segment on which human beings confer meaning and significance.
Ritual is important to us as human beings. It ties us to our traditions and our histories.
The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one two things: either love, or a call for love.