Often romantic relationships fail because you are trying to get someone to fall in love with the YOU that you never discovered.
In the most beautiful relationships, silence is never awkward, for it’s in the silence that we come closer together.
The cost of acquiring new customers and maintaining those relationships in an online environment versus bricks and mortar is significant.
Fear kills instead of protecting. It murders dreams, hopes, relationships and or physical well being.
Focus on relationships in your communities and God will come up spiritual conversations will emerge and real needs will come to light.
Once you accept the existence of God - however you define him, however you explain your relationship to him - then you are caught forever with his presence in the center of all things.
I discovered early on that some performers live their life in order to act, so all their relationships are simply an experience that they can feed back into their work. Which I find vampiric.
I have very high standards for every part of life - my work, my relationships, food, love. I can't just pretend.
Dictators, unlike Democrats, depend on a small coterie to sustain their power. These backers, generally drawn from the military, the senior civil service, and family or clan members, have a synergistic relationship with their dictator. The dictator d...
I write a lot about other people, like family and friends. I look at their lives and relationships and think, 'Well, if I was in your position, this is how I would see it.'
People forget that keeping a band together is hard; man, it's really hard. All the cliches apply about living in each other's pockets; of it being a relationship, a marriage, a family.
I came from a family where joining a union was the expected thing to do. I've always believed that the relationship between an employer and an individual worker is fundamentally unequal.
The players wanted more money, higher salary caps and they didn't have that family relationship we felt with the players. Mentally, the players were more businesslike.
I've gotten a firsthand view at the destruction that black men and black women not being able to stay and build healthy relationships has had on the black family and black children.
I have a great relationship with everyone in my family, but I'm closer to my brothers than anyone else because they give me a lot of guidance.
I think in terms of family, in terms of relationships, in terms of work, competition to be the favorite, to be the noticed, to be the one - I don't know if it exists for all personalities, but I know for sure it did with me.
But in my heart of hearts, this is the kind of thing... this is what everyone is struggling with in their lives - relationships and family. To me, it's always an interesting area to mine. I'm drawn to it.
When I get into relationships, I'm an all-or-nothing person. I just completely give in to the person. It becomes my first priority in life; family, friends and career follow.
There are very few people that I deal with from a business side that it's just strictly a one-sided business relationship. I think that's important.
It's very different than it use to be. I think everybody has a lot more experience in how to be in a relationship - whether it's a marriage or a significant other or a business or a friend.
A cardinal principle of Total Quality escapes too many managers: you cannot continuously improve interdependent systems and processes until you progressively perfect interdependent, interpersonal relationships.