We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.
Stephen R. CoveyNever underestimate the grace of bouncing back from a fallen heart.
Rhythm of a Heart, Music of a SoulThe language of the heart Is the only language That everybody can understand.
Sri Chinmoy's Heart Garden: A Book of Aphorisms for Joy and InspirationOur heart is the door to allowing Existence to guide us.
The Silent Whisperings of the Heart - An Introduction to Giten's Approach to LifeUtilizing the Power of Your Heart is the most significant choice you will make in life.
Unleash The Power of Your Heart and MindLife becomes difficult when out of sync with your heart-felt desires.
Unleash The Power of Your Heart and MindOpen up your heart and mind to the infinite wonderful experiences there are in life.
Unleash The Power of Your Heart and MindAvoid letting daily cares override your heart-felt intuition.
Unleash The Power of Your Heart and MindLearn to Open Your Heart and mind to the infinite wonder that exists for you in life
Unleash The Power of Your Heart and MindI know the path by heart, by heart- a funny expression, so true. My heart knows right where to go.