It is the job of light to speak out against darkness. Become part of that light when you see wrongs against humanity by speaking out against them. Help light our world for the future generations to come.
To create the needed change...We must become angry enough to stand up & speak out against all ABUSE & INJUSTICE against Humanity! Wrong is Wrong and NEVER can be Right!
All children are our responsibility and should always be safe. We must do what we can to help them stay safe, wel and educated. The future of humanity depands on it. Without will not have a future.
❤You can never lose...when you help better the lives of children. Showing them love and kindness each day...will help take them a long way on the road of life. The future of humanity depends on it!
One must always...tune out the negative voices of the world and make the strongest voice you hear your own! Go out and make a difference in Humanity! You Can Do It...If You Really Want To!
If humanity can describe God in one word: LOVE♥ Then how can the world continue to hurt and destroy each other then believe they walk in his light and favour. To live love means to be ones keeper...not ones judge!
When God answers your prayers and sends down his blessings to you in prosperity, thank him by helping those in need. There's is no greater way to be thankful than helping to brighten humanity!
Be Kind. Be Generous. Be Helpful. Show Mercy. Be Forgiving. Give Love. Be Thankful. Be Cheerful. Do Acts Of Kindness for Those Who Can Never Repay you. It all helps to brighten humanity!
It's time that America wakes up and take a moral stand against all violence especially that is committed against women & children. Violence is wrong and sadly will only produce more violence upon our nation and humanity.
It is blasphemy to separate oneself from the earth and look down on it like a god. It is more than blasphemy; it is dangerous. We can never be gods, after all - but we can become something less than human with frightening ease.
Hey, any idea why Australians speak something that sounds deceptively like English but isn’t? I mean, I’m trying to figure out why I can’t seem to converse with another human being who speaks the same language as I do.
When Gregory says, ‘Are they guilty?’ he means, ‘Did they do it?’ But when he says, ‘Are they guilty?’ he means, ‘Did the court find them so?’ The lawyer’s world is entire unto itself, the human pared away.
I don't see in black or white. I see in the color of humanity which is the rainbow of harmony. In that spirit there is only good and evil, peace or war, love or hate and happiness or discontent.
Truth is...we all will die someday. None of our days are promised in anyway. But by choosing to live great, helping others along our way...will help brighten humanity each and everyday!
Think positive thoughts, be kind to others, help those you see in need...there's always something you can do each day to help brighten humanity!
❤What our world needs now is not war for our earth has seen too much of its bloodshed but peace is what humanity truly needs✌
There are always a few, Claire, who like being told what to do instead of being required to think. And those are the ones you should fear. That goes equally for humans, I'm afraid. Critical thinking has become a sadly rare skill these days.
The quotation falsely attributed to Stalin, 'One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic,' gets the numbers wrong but captures a real fact about human psychology. (p. 220)
He read reports, examined evidence, and poured more reports up the chain than the Pentagon could read. Nothing short of a human sieve. But in the end he was just one small piece on this game board called war. End of story
When the battle is over, the winners find it very hard not to pursue their violence. If you are strong enough to hold violence, you are strong enough to hold true to your pact. Then you have more moral fiber than most adults. Free will is one of the ...
Making this a better world happens one person at a time. You cannot force your beliefs on anyone. Rather, be the example that others can emulate. Live your life so that others may be inspired by your words and deeds. That's how change happens.